The Singleness of Fedora C.

Meet Fedora C.—an opinionated, outspoken, sometimes politically incorrect, divorcee who blogs about her new direction in life as a
middle-aged single person. In actuality, Fedora C. isn't a real person; she's a prototype or model of a class of single women just like her.

Tell 'em you heard it from your girl, Fedora C.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

No Time For Cryin’ In Your Collard Greens—Girl, Get Your House In Order! Pt. 4

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the single life makeover continued. I found it useful, yea, even necessary, to move forward with the single life by doing a renovation of the visual images around the crib. That's the reason I gathered up the displayed "married couple" photos and promptly removed them from their frames. Though it would be a while before I got rid of these ghosts from my past life, at least I wouldn't have them staring me in the face all throughout the house.

As a temporary measure, on my way home from church one Sunday afternoon, I stopped at the mall to take pictures in one of those little photo booths. With the freshly shot single pictures in tow, it was off to a nearby business store to get a few of the new images enlarged. Until I could get professional ones done, the booth photos filled a few of the frames quite nicely. The rest of the frames were retired to a storage bin.

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